Lim Khim Katy born in 1978, displays an emotional maturity beyond her year. After graduated from Ho Chi Minh City Fine Arts University in 2001, Katy received many accolades and merits from a variety of associations and became a member of the Fine Arts Association of Ho Chi Minh City in 2005. Her recognition as a contemporary Vietnamese artist was solidified with her first international solo exhibition in 2006.

Katy draws her inspiration from her life experience and her interaction with others and feels compelled to point out her observations on canvas. Her figurative work can be edgy and psychologically convincing with the subjects’ eyes shedding light on their emotional state. From figurative Katy returns to Landscape artwork. With her unique plate stroke, we enjoy another kind of beautiful scene. Her landscapes are flooded with vibrant color yet remain tranquil and serene.

Throughout her youthful career, Katy’s work has been recognized as remarkable and highly collectible, as each painting marks another step in creating a profound and authentic commentary on contemporary Vietnamese life. It is clear from simply viewing her landscapes are painted from life with an understanding and compassion that grabs the viewer and allows them to feel immediately connected to the subject. As Katy’s paintings continue to grow in scope and maturity they continue to reward the lingering viewer and collectors are ceaselessly interested in her new work.

1978 年 Lim Khim Katy 出生於越南。她的作品表現出有別於實際年齡的成熟韻味。 2001 年從胡志明美術大學畢業後,Katy 獲得了許多榮譽與讚美,並於 2005 年成為胡志明市美術學會會員。 2006 年首次在國際間舉辦個人畫展,證明了作為當代越南藝術家的實力

她的創作靈感來自於人與人之間的生活和互動,也包含著許多人所遭受的苦難和痛楚。從肖像回歸風景畫,Katy 運用了她獨特而細膩的刮刀筆觸,呈現了截然不同的風格。然而 Katy 的村莊風景作品充滿了鮮豔的色彩,卻仍保持寧靜和安詳,平淡的素材表達了強烈的感情。

在 Katy 短短幾年的創作生涯中,她的作品被認為是非凡出色和極具收藏價值的。每幅畫都代表著她在當代越南藝術領域的創新與突破。從作品中可以觀察出,作品中的人物似乎都與自己或周圍的人相似,讓觀眾自然而然產生共鳴和感動,直接感受到作品主題所要呈現的某種意涵。她說, “每當我經歷’藝術空缺’的時候,我都會旅行和觀察人,這是我創作時最好的靈感來源。